diff --git a/src/dao/certificate_repository.py b/src/dao/certificate_repository.py
index 87a199986ba46b9e94c9eed9cab6186584272223..3b17f2ad72d8fdd9b5ba2f0f1915ac5a3a7acf03 100644
--- a/src/dao/certificate_repository.py
+++ b/src/dao/certificate_repository.py
@@ -50,11 +50,12 @@ class CertificateRepository:
             last_id: int = self.cursor.lastrowid
-            if certificate.usages[ROOT_CA_ID - 1]:
+            # TODO assure that this is correct
+            if certificate.type_id == ROOT_CA_ID:
                 certificate.parent_id = last_id
-                return self.update(last_id, certificate)
+                self.update(last_id, certificate)
-                for usage_id, usage_value in certificate.usages:
+                for usage_id, usage_value in certificate.usages.items():
                     if usage_value:
                         sql = (f"INSERT INTO {TAB_CERTIFICATE_USAGES} "
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ class CertificateRepository:
                    f"WHERE {COL_ID} = ?")
             values = [certificate_id]
             self.cursor.execute(sql, values)
-            certificate_row = self.cursor.fetchall()
+            certificate_row = self.cursor.fetchone()
             sql = (f"SELECT * FROM {TAB_CERTIFICATE_USAGES} "
                    f"WHERE {COL_CERTIFICATE_ID} = ?")
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ class CertificateRepository:
             return None
-    def read_all(self, filter_type: int = None):
+    def read_all(self, filter_type: int = None) -> List[Certificate]:
         Reads (selects) all certificates (with type).
@@ -126,7 +127,7 @@ class CertificateRepository:
             values = []
             if filter_type is not None:
                 sql_extension = (f" WHERE {COL_TYPE_ID} = ("
-                                 f"SELECT {COL_ID} FROM {TAB_CERTIFICATE_TYPES} WHERE {COL_ID} = ?")
+                                 f"SELECT {COL_ID} FROM {TAB_CERTIFICATE_TYPES} WHERE {COL_ID} = ?)")
                 values = [filter_type]
             sql = (f"SELECT * FROM {TAB_CERTIFICATES}{sql_extension}")
@@ -158,10 +159,7 @@ class CertificateRepository:
             return None
-        if len(certificates) > 0:
-            return certificates
-        else:
-            return None
+        return certificates
     def update(self, certificate_id: int, certificate: Certificate) -> bool:
@@ -202,7 +200,8 @@ class CertificateRepository:
             self.cursor.execute(sql, values)
-            for usage_id, usage_value in certificate.usages:
+            # iterate over usage pairs
+            for usage_id, usage_value in certificate.usages.items():
                 if usage_value:
                     sql = (f"INSERT INTO {TAB_CERTIFICATE_USAGES} "
@@ -236,4 +235,4 @@ class CertificateRepository:
             return False
-        return True
+        return self.cursor.rowcount > 0
diff --git a/src/dao/private_key_repository.py b/src/dao/private_key_repository.py
index f20371db476755ea905181ad48d75605479dcc89..d3ba351b0ba32a48ff80c4f065bb21a98626a950 100644
--- a/src/dao/private_key_repository.py
+++ b/src/dao/private_key_repository.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class PrivateKeyRepository:
                    f"WHERE {COL_ID} = ?")
             values = [private_key_id]
             self.cursor.execute(sql, values)
-            private_key_row = self.cursor.fetchall()
+            private_key_row = self.cursor.fetchone()
             private_key: PrivateKey = PrivateKey(private_key_row[0],
@@ -142,4 +142,4 @@ class PrivateKeyRepository:
             return False
-        return True
+        return self.cursor.rowcount > 0
diff --git a/tests/dao/__init__.py b/src/db/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/dao/__init__.py
rename to src/db/__init__.py
diff --git a/src/db/init_queries.py b/src/db/init_queries.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7a5df245d35cf649d244e8e042bf2681f0c0817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/db/init_queries.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/*  Generated by Enterprise Architect Version 13.5 		*/
+/*  Created On : 01-dub-2021 15:16:53 				*/
+/*  DBMS       : SQLite 								*/
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Drop Tables */
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'CertificateTypes'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'Certificates'
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'CertificateUsages'
+/* Create Tables with Primary and Foreign Keys, Check and Unique Constraints */
+CREATE TABLE 'PrivateKeys'
+	'private_key' TEXT NOT NULL,
+	'password' TEXT NULL
+CREATE TABLE 'CertificateTypes'
+	'certificate_type' TEXT NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE 'UsageTypes'
+	'usage_type' TEXT NOT NULL
+CREATE TABLE 'Certificates'
+	'common_name' TEXT NOT NULL,
+	'valid_from' TEXT NOT NULL,
+	'valid_to' TEXT NOT NULL,
+	'pem_data' TEXT NOT NULL,
+	'private_key_id' INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	'certificate_type_id' INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	'parent_certificate_id' INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	CONSTRAINT 'FK_Certificates' FOREIGN KEY ('parent_certificate_id') REFERENCES 'Certificates' ('id') ON DELETE No Action ON UPDATE No Action,
+	CONSTRAINT 'FK_CertificateTypes' FOREIGN KEY ('certificate_type_id') REFERENCES 'CertificateTypes' ('id') ON DELETE No Action ON UPDATE No Action,
+	CONSTRAINT 'FK_PrivateKeys' FOREIGN KEY ('private_key_id') REFERENCES 'PrivateKeys' ('id') ON DELETE No Action ON UPDATE No Action
+CREATE TABLE 'CertificateUsages'
+	'certificate_id' INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	'usage_type_id' INTEGER NOT NULL,
+	CONSTRAINT 'FK_Certificates' FOREIGN KEY ('certificate_id') REFERENCES 'Certificates' ('id') ON DELETE Cascade ON UPDATE No Action,
+	CONSTRAINT 'FK_UsageTypes' FOREIGN KEY ('usage_type_id') REFERENCES 'UsageTypes' ('id') ON DELETE No Action ON UPDATE No Action
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/*  Generated by Enterprise Architect Version 13.5 		*/
+/*  Created On : 26-bře-2021 13:33:05 				*/
+/*  DBMS       : SQLite 								*/
+/* ---------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Insert default values */
+INSERT INTO CertificateTypes(certificate_type) VALUES('ROOT_CA');
+INSERT INTO CertificateTypes(certificate_type) VALUES('INTERMEDIATE_CA');
+INSERT INTO CertificateTypes(certificate_type) VALUES('CERTIFICATE');
+INSERT INTO UsageTypes(usage_type) VALUES('CA');
+INSERT INTO UsageTypes(usage_type) VALUES('SSL');
+INSERT INTO UsageTypes(usage_type) VALUES('SIGNATURE');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/services/certificate_service.py b/src/services/certificate_service.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33858611721536c69f4b48cf21e00d77e9451922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/certificate_service.py
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+from typing import List
+from src.dao.certificate_repository import CertificateRepository
+from src.model.certificate import Certificate
+from src.model.private_key import PrivateKey
+from src.model.subject import Subject
+from src.services.cryptography import CryptographyService
+import time
+DATE_FORMAT = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S"
+CA_EXTENSIONS = "basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE"
+class CertificateService:
+    def __init__(self, cryptography_service: CryptographyService, certificate_repository: CertificateRepository):
+        self.cryptography_service = cryptography_service
+        self.certificate_repository = certificate_repository
+    # TODO usages present in method parameters but not in class diagram
+    def create_root_ca(self, key: PrivateKey, subject: Subject, extensions: str = "", config: str = "",
+                       usages=None, days=30):
+        """
+        Creates a root CA certificate based on the given parameters.
+        :param key: Private key to be used when generating the certificate
+        :param subject: Subject to be used put into the certificate
+        :param config: String containing the configuration to be used
+        :param extensions: Name of the section in the configuration representing extensions
+        :param usages: A dictionary containing usages of the certificate to be generated (see constants.py)
+        :param days: Number of days for which the generated cert. will be considered valid
+        :return: An instance of Certificate class representing the generated root CA cert
+        """
+        if usages is None:
+            usages = {}
+        # create a new self signed  certificate
+        cert_pem = self.cryptography_service.create_sscrt(subject, key.private_key, key_pass=key.password,
+                                                          extensions=extensions, config=config, days=days)
+        # specify CA usage
+        usages[CA_ID] = True
+        # wrap into Certificate class
+        certificate = self.__create_wrapper(cert_pem, key.private_key_id, usages, 0,
+                                            ROOT_CA_ID)
+        # store the wrapper into the repository
+        created_id = self.certificate_repository.create(certificate)
+        # assign the generated ID to the inserted certificate
+        certificate.certificate_id = created_id
+        return certificate
+    def __create_wrapper(self, cert_pem, private_key_id, usages, parent_id, cert_type):
+        """
+        Wraps the given parameters using the Certificate class. Uses CryptographyService to find out the notBefore and
+        notAfter fields.
+        :param cert_pem: PEM of the cert. to be wrapped
+        :param private_key_id: ID of the private key used to create the given certificate
+        :param usages: A dictionary containing usages of the generated certificate generated (see constants.py)
+        :param parent_id: ID of the CA that issued this certificate
+        :param cert_type: Type of this certificate (see constants.py)
+        :return: An instance of the Certificate class wrapping the values passed  via method parameters
+        """
+        # parse the generated pem for subject and notBefore/notAfter fields
+        # TODO this could be improved in the future in such way that calling openssl is not required to parse the dates
+        subj, not_before, not_after = self.cryptography_service.parse_cert_pem(cert_pem)
+        # format the parsed date
+        not_before_formatted = time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, not_before)
+        not_after_formatted = time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, not_after)
+        # create a certificate wrapper
+        certificate = Certificate(-1, subj.common_name, not_before_formatted, not_after_formatted, cert_pem,
+                                  private_key_id, cert_type, parent_id, usages)
+        return certificate
+    # TODO config parameter present in class diagram but not here (unused)
+    def create_ca(self, subject_key: PrivateKey, subject: Subject, issuer_cert: Certificate, issuer_key: PrivateKey,
+                  extensions: str = "", days: int = 30, usages=None):
+        """
+        Creates an intermediate CA certificate issued by the given parent CA.
+        :param subject_key: Private key to be used when generating the certificate
+        :param subject: Subject to be used put into the certificate
+        :param issuer_cert: Issuer certificate that will sign the CSR required to create an intermediate CA
+        :param issuer_key: PK used to generate the issuer certificate
+        :param extensions: Extensions to be used when generating the certificate
+        :param usages: A dictionary containing usages of the certificate to be generated (see constants.py)
+        :param days: Number of days for which the generated cert. will be considered valid
+        :return: An instance of Certificate class representing the generated intermediate CA cert
+        """
+        if usages is None:
+            usages = {}
+        extensions = extensions + "\n" + CA_EXTENSIONS
+        # TODO implement AIA URI via extensions
+        cert_pem = self.cryptography_service.create_crt(subject, subject_key.private_key, issuer_cert.pem_data,
+                                                        issuer_key.private_key,
+                                                        subject_key_pass=subject_key.password,
+                                                        issuer_key_pass=issuer_key.password, extensions=extensions,
+                                                        days=days)
+        # specify CA usage
+        usages[CA_ID] = True
+        # wrap into Certificate class
+        self.__create_wrapper(cert_pem, subject_key.private_key_id, usages,
+                              issuer_cert.certificate_id, INTERMEDIATE_CA_ID)
+        # parse the generated pem for subject and notBefore/notAfter fields
+        subj, not_before, not_after = self.cryptography_service.parse_cert_pem(cert_pem)
+        # format the parsed date
+        not_before_formatted = time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, not_before)
+        not_after_formatted = time.strftime(DATE_FORMAT, not_after)
+        # specify CA usage
+        usages[CA_ID] = True
+        # create a certificate wrapper
+        certificate = Certificate(-1, subject.common_name, not_before_formatted, not_after_formatted, cert_pem,
+                                  subject_key.private_key_id, INTERMEDIATE_CA_ID, issuer_cert.certificate_id, usages)
+        # store the wrapper into the repository
+        created_id = self.certificate_repository.create(certificate)
+        # assign the generated ID to the inserted certificate
+        certificate.certificate_id = created_id
+        return certificate
+    def create_end_cert(self, subject_key: PrivateKey, subject: Subject, issuer_cert: Certificate,
+                        issuer_key: PrivateKey,
+                        extensions: str = "", days: int = 30, usages=None):
+        """
+        Creates an end certificate issued by the given parent CA.
+        :param subject_key: Private key to be used when generating the certificate
+        :param subject: Subject to be used put into the certificate
+        :param issuer_cert: Issuer certificate that will sign the CSR required to create an intermediate CA
+        :param issuer_key: PK used to generate the issuer certificate
+        :param extensions: Extensions to be used when generating the certificate
+        :param usages: A dictionary containing usages of the certificate to be generated (see constants.py)
+        :param days: Number of days for which the generated cert. will be considered valid
+        :return: An instance of Certificate class representing the generated cert
+        """
+        if usages is None:
+            usages = {}
+        # generate a new certificate
+        cert_pem = self.cryptography_service.create_crt(subject, subject_key.private_key, issuer_cert.pem_data,
+                                                        issuer_key.private_key,
+                                                        subject_key_pass=subject_key.password,
+                                                        issuer_key_pass=issuer_key.password, extensions=extensions,
+                                                        days=days)
+        # wrap the generated certificate using Certificate class
+        certificate = self.__create_wrapper(cert_pem, subject_key.private_key_id, usages,
+                                            issuer_cert.certificate_id, CERTIFICATE_ID)
+        created_id = self.certificate_repository.create(certificate)
+        certificate.certificate_id = created_id
+        return certificate
+    def get_certificate(self, unique_id: int) -> Certificate:
+        """
+        Tries to fetch a certificate from the certificate repository using a given id.
+        :param unique_id: ID of the certificate to be fetched
+        :return: Instance of the Certificate class containing a certificate with the given id or `None` if such
+        certificate is not found
+        """
+        return self.certificate_repository.read(unique_id)
+    def get_certificates(self, cert_type=None) -> List[Certificate]:
+        """
+        Tries to fetch a list of all certificates from the certificate repository. Using the `cert_type` parameter only
+        certificates of the given type can be returned.
+        :param cert_type: Type of certificates to be returned
+        :return: List of instances of the Certificate class representing all certificates present in the certificate
+        repository. An empty list is returned when no certificates are found.
+        """
+        return self.certificate_repository.read_all(cert_type)
+    def get_chain_of_trust(self, from_id: int, to_id: int = -1, exclude_root=True) -> List[Certificate]:
+        """
+        Traverses the certificate hierarchy tree upwards till a certificate with the `to_id` ID is found or till a
+        root CA certificate is found. Root certificates are excluded from the chain by default.
+        :param from_id: ID of the first certificate to be included in the chain of trust
+        :param to_id: ID of the last certificate to be included in the chain of trust
+        :param exclude_root: a flag indicating whether root CA certificate should be excluded
+        :return: a list of certificates representing the chain of trust starting with the certificate given by `from_id`
+        ID
+        """
+        # read the first certificate of the chain
+        start_cert = self.certificate_repository.read(from_id)
+        # if no cert is found or the current cert is root CA and root CAs should be excluded, then return an empty list
+        if start_cert is None or (start_cert.type_id == ROOT_CA_ID and exclude_root):
+            return []
+        current_cert = start_cert
+        chain_of_trust = [current_cert]
+        # TODO could possibly be simplified
+        if start_cert.type_id == ROOT_CA_ID:
+            # the first cert found is a root ca
+            return chain_of_trust
+        while True:
+            parent_cert = self.certificate_repository.read(current_cert.parent_id)
+            # check whether parent certificate exists
+            if parent_cert is None:
+                break
+            # check whether the found certificate is a root certificate
+            if parent_cert.type_id == ROOT_CA_ID:
+                if not exclude_root:
+                    # append the found root cert only if root certificates should not be excluded from the CoT
+                    chain_of_trust.append(parent_cert)
+                break
+            # append the certificate
+            chain_of_trust.append(parent_cert)
+            # stop iterating over certificates if the id of the found certificate matches `to_id` method parameter
+            if parent_cert.certificate_id == to_id:
+                break
+            current_cert = parent_cert
+        return chain_of_trust
+    def delete_certificate(self, unique_id) -> bool:
+        """
+        Deletes a certificate
+        :param unique_id: ID of specific certificate
+        :return: `True` when the deletion was successful. `False` in other case
+        """
+        # TODO delete children?
+        return self.certificate_repository.delete(unique_id)
+    def get_subject_from_certificate(self, certificate: Certificate) -> Subject:
+        """
+        Get Subject distinguished name from a Certificate
+        :param certificate: certificate instance whose Subject shall be parsed
+        :return: instance of Subject class containing resulting distinguished name
+        """
+        (subject, _, _) = self.cryptography_service.parse_cert_pem(certificate.pem_data)
+        return subject
diff --git a/src/services/cryptography.py b/src/services/cryptography.py
index 27dcf502907444c6e0918da4da670854f897beb9..dad7e5cae08b05e748eaf99e2c2012e8f8d0fbaa 100644
--- a/src/services/cryptography.py
+++ b/src/services/cryptography.py
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
+import re
 import subprocess
+import time
-# encryption method to be used when generating private keys
+from src.model.subject import Subject
 from src.utils.temporary_file import TemporaryFile
+# encryption method to be used when generating private keys
 # openssl executable name
+# format of NOT_BEFORE NOT_AFTER date fields
 class CryptographyService:
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ class CryptographyService:
             return self.__run_for_output(
                 ["genrsa", PRIVATE_KEY_ENCRYPTION_METHOD, "-passout", f"pass:{passphrase}", "2048"]).decode()
-    def create_sscrt(self, subject, key, config="", extensions="", key_pass=None):
+    def create_sscrt(self, subject, key, config="", extensions="", key_pass=None, days=30):
         Creates a root CA
@@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ class CryptographyService:
         :param config: string containing the configuration to be used
         :param extensions: name of the section in the configuration representing extensions
         :param key_pass: passphrase of the private key
+        :param days: number of days for which the certificate will be valid
         :return: string containing the generated certificate in PEM format
@@ -104,7 +111,7 @@ class CryptographyService:
         subj = self.__subject_to_param_format(subject)
         with TemporaryFile("openssl.conf", config) as conf_path:
-            args = ["req", "-x509", "-new", "-subj", subj,
+            args = ["req", "-x509", "-new", "-subj", subj, "-days", f"{days}",
                     "-key", "-"]
             if len(config) > 0:
                 args.extend(["-config", conf_path])
@@ -184,9 +191,8 @@ class CryptographyService:
         :param subject_key: string containing the private key to be used when creating the certificate in PEM format
         :param issuer_key: string containing the private key of the issuer's certificate in PEM format
         :param issuer_pem: string containing the certificate of the issuer that will sign this CSR in PEM format
-        :param issuer_key: string containing the private key of the issuer's certificate in PEM format
-        :param subject_key_pass: string containing the passphrase of the private key used when creating the certificate in PEM
-        format
+        :param subject_key_pass: string containing the passphrase of the private key used when creating the certificate
+        in PEM format
         :param issuer_key_pass: string containing the passphrase of the private key of the issuer's certificate in PEM
         :param extensions: extensions to be applied when creating the certificate
@@ -225,6 +231,64 @@ class CryptographyService:
             # the process failed because of some other reason (incorrect cert format)
             raise CryptographyException(OPENSSL_EXECUTABLE, args, err.decode())
+    def parse_cert_pem(self, cert_pem):
+        """
+        Parses the given certificate in PEM format and returns the subject of the certificate and it's NOT_BEFORE
+        and NOT_AFTER field
+        :param cert_pem: a certificated in a PEM format to be parsed
+        :return: a tuple containing a subject, NOT_BEFORE and NOT_AFTER dates
+        """
+        # run openssl x509 to view certificate content
+        args = ["x509", "-noout", "-subject", "-startdate", "-enddate", "-in", "-"]
+        cert_info_raw = self.__run_for_output(args, proc_input=bytes(cert_pem, encoding="utf-8")).decode()
+        # split lines
+        results = re.split("\n", cert_info_raw)
+        subj_line = results[0]
+        not_before_line = results[1]
+        not_after_line = results[2]
+        # attempt to extract subject via regex
+        match = re.search(r"subject=(.*)", subj_line)
+        if match is None:
+            # TODO use logger
+            print(f"Could not find subject to parse: {subj_line}")
+            return None
+        else:
+            # find all attributes (key = value)
+            found = re.findall(r"\s?([^c=\s]+)\s?=\s?([^,\n]+)", match.group(1))
+            subj = Subject()
+            for key, value in found:
+                if key == "C":
+                    subj.country = value
+                elif key == "ST":
+                    subj.state = value
+                elif key == "L":
+                    subj.locality = value
+                elif key == "O":
+                    subj.organization = value
+                elif key == "OU":
+                    subj.organization_unit = value
+                elif key == "CN":
+                    subj.common_name = value
+                elif key == "emailAddress":
+                    subj.email_address = value
+        # extract notBefore and notAfter date fields
+        not_before = re.search(r"notBefore=(.*)", not_before_line)
+        not_after = re.search(r"notAfter=(.*)", not_after_line)
+        # if date fields are found parse them into date objects
+        if not_before is not None:
+            not_before = time.strptime(not_before.group(1), NOT_AFTER_BEFORE_DATE_FORMAT)
+        if not_after is not None:
+            not_after = time.strptime(not_after.group(1), NOT_AFTER_BEFORE_DATE_FORMAT)
+        # TODO wrapper class?
+        # return it as a tuple
+        return subj, not_before, not_after
 class CryptographyException(Exception):
diff --git a/src/services/key_service.py b/src/services/key_service.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b81239973296324256e2dfcb5ecd4963c251fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/key_service.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+from src.dao.private_key_repository import PrivateKeyRepository
+from src.model.private_key import PrivateKey
+from src.services.cryptography import CryptographyService
+class KeyService:
+    def __init__(self, cryptography_service: CryptographyService, private_key_repository: PrivateKeyRepository):
+        self.cryptography_service = cryptography_service
+        self.private_key_repository = private_key_repository
+    def create_new_key(self, passphrase="") -> PrivateKey:
+        """
+        Creates a new private key using the given passphrase.
+        :param passphrase: Passphrase to be used when encrypting the PK
+        :return: An instance of the <PrivateKey> class representing the generated PK
+        """
+        # generate a new private key
+        private_key_pem = self.cryptography_service.create_private_key(passphrase)
+        # store generated PK and the passphrase in a wrapper
+        private_key = PrivateKey(-1, private_key_pem, passphrase)
+        # store the wrapper in the PK repository
+        private_key_id = self.private_key_repository.create(private_key)
+        # assign the generated ID to the wrapper
+        private_key.private_key_id = private_key_id
+        return private_key
+    def get_key(self, unique_id):
+        """
+        Tries to fetch a PK using the given ID.
+        :param unique_id: ID of the PK to be found
+        :return:An instance of the required PK or `None`
+        """
+        return self.private_key_repository.read(unique_id)
+    def get_keys(self, unique_ids=None):
+        """
+        Tries to fetch all PKs in the repository. Exact PKs to be fetched can be specified using the `unique_ids`
+        parameter. If `unique_ids` parameter is not passed then all PKs in the repository are returned.
+        :param unique_ids: An array containing IDs of PKs to be fetched from the repository.
+        :return: A list of instances of the PrivateKey class representing the PKs found
+        """
+        if unique_ids is None:
+            return self.private_key_repository.read_all()
+        else:
+            # TODO this is very inefficient
+            return [self.private_key_repository.read(identifier) for identifier in unique_ids]
+    def delete_key(self, unique_id):
+        """
+        Deletes a private key
+        :param unique_id: ID of specific certificate to be deleted
+        :return: `True` when the deletion was successful. `False` in other case
+        """
+        return self.private_key_repository.delete(unique_id)
diff --git a/tests/dao/certificate_repository/__init__.py b/tests/integration_tests/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/dao/certificate_repository/__init__.py
rename to tests/integration_tests/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/services/__init__.py b/tests/integration_tests/dao/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/__init__.py
rename to tests/integration_tests/dao/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/__init__.py b/tests/integration_tests/dao/certificate_repository/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/__init__.py
rename to tests/integration_tests/dao/certificate_repository/__init__.py
diff --git a/tests/dao/certificate_repository/conftest.py b/tests/integration_tests/dao/certificate_repository/conftest.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/dao/certificate_repository/conftest.py
rename to tests/integration_tests/dao/certificate_repository/conftest.py
diff --git a/tests/dao/certificate_repository/create_certificate.py b/tests/integration_tests/dao/certificate_repository/create_certificate.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/dao/certificate_repository/create_certificate.py
rename to tests/integration_tests/dao/certificate_repository/create_certificate.py
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests/services/__init__.py b/tests/integration_tests/services/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests/services/certificate_service_test.py b/tests/integration_tests/services/certificate_service_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa812fbf2837b696cb8a815c688d8338f502e4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration_tests/services/certificate_service_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+import subprocess
+from src.model.subject import Subject
+def export_crt(crt):
+    return subprocess.check_output(["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-text", "-in", "-"],
+                                   input=bytes(crt, encoding="utf-8"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()
+def test_create_and_get_root_ca(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    cert = certificate_service.create_root_ca(private_key,
+                                              Subject(common_name="FooName", organization_unit="Department of Foo"),
+                                              usages={SSL_ID: True})
+    assert ROOT_CA_ID == cert.type_id
+    assert cert.usages[CA_ID]
+    assert cert.usages[SSL_ID]
+    assert cert.usages[AUTHENTICATION_ID] is False
+    assert cert.usages[SIGNATURE_ID] is False
+    cert_loaded = certificate_service.get_certificate(cert.certificate_id)
+    # verify that the loaded certificate is a CA
+    cert_loaded_printed = export_crt(cert_loaded.pem_data)
+    assert """            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE""" in cert_loaded_printed
+    assert cert.certificate_id == cert_loaded.certificate_id
+    assert cert.common_name == cert_loaded.common_name
+    assert cert.valid_from == cert_loaded.valid_from
+    assert cert.valid_to == cert_loaded.valid_to
+    assert cert.pem_data == cert_loaded.pem_data
+    assert cert.private_key_id == cert_loaded.private_key_id
+    assert cert.type_id == cert_loaded.type_id
+    assert cert.parent_id == cert_loaded.parent_id
+    assert cert.usages == cert_loaded.usages
+def test_create_and_get_inter_cert(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    root_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    inter_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key()
+    root_ca = certificate_service.create_root_ca(root_ca_private_key,
+                                                 Subject(common_name="RootFoo", organization_unit="Department of Foo"))
+    inter_cert = certificate_service.create_ca(inter_ca_private_key, Subject(common_name="Intermediate CA"), root_ca,
+                                               root_ca_private_key, usages={SSL_ID: True})
+    assert INTERMEDIATE_CA_ID == inter_cert.type_id
+    assert inter_cert.usages[CA_ID]
+    assert inter_cert.usages[SSL_ID]
+    assert inter_cert.usages[AUTHENTICATION_ID] is False
+    assert inter_cert.usages[SIGNATURE_ID] is False
+    inter_cert_loaded = certificate_service.get_certificate(inter_cert.certificate_id)
+    # verify that the loaded certificate is a CA
+    cert_loaded_printed = export_crt(inter_cert_loaded.pem_data)
+    assert """            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
+                CA:TRUE""" in cert_loaded_printed
+    assert inter_cert.certificate_id == inter_cert_loaded.certificate_id
+    assert inter_cert.common_name == inter_cert_loaded.common_name
+    assert inter_cert.valid_from == inter_cert_loaded.valid_from
+    assert inter_cert.valid_to == inter_cert_loaded.valid_to
+    assert inter_cert.pem_data == inter_cert_loaded.pem_data
+    assert inter_cert.private_key_id == inter_cert_loaded.private_key_id
+    assert inter_cert.type_id == inter_cert_loaded.type_id
+    assert inter_cert.parent_id == root_ca.certificate_id
+    assert inter_cert_loaded.parent_id == root_ca.certificate_id
+    assert inter_cert.usages == inter_cert_loaded.usages
+def test_create_and_get_cert(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    root_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    inter_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="barfoo")
+    end_cert_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foofoo")
+    root_ca_cert = certificate_service.create_root_ca(root_ca_private_key,
+                                                      Subject(common_name="RootFoo",
+                                                              organization_unit="Department of Foo"))
+    inter_ca_cert = certificate_service.create_ca(inter_ca_private_key, Subject(common_name="Intermediate CA"),
+                                                  root_ca_cert,
+                                                  root_ca_private_key, usages={SSL_ID: True})
+    cert = certificate_service.create_end_cert(end_cert_private_key,
+                                               Subject("Foo Child", email_address="foo@bar.cz"), inter_ca_cert,
+                                               inter_ca_private_key, usages={AUTHENTICATION_ID: True})
+    assert CERTIFICATE_ID == cert.type_id
+    assert cert.usages[AUTHENTICATION_ID]
+    assert cert.usages[SSL_ID] is False
+    assert cert.usages[SIGNATURE_ID] is False
+    assert cert.usages[CA_ID] is False
+    cert_loaded = certificate_service.get_certificate(cert.certificate_id)
+    assert cert.certificate_id == cert_loaded.certificate_id
+    assert cert.common_name == cert_loaded.common_name
+    assert cert.valid_from == cert_loaded.valid_from
+    assert cert.valid_to == cert_loaded.valid_to
+    assert cert.pem_data == cert_loaded.pem_data
+    assert cert.private_key_id == cert_loaded.private_key_id
+    assert cert.type_id == cert_loaded.type_id
+    assert cert.parent_id == inter_ca_cert.certificate_id
+    assert cert_loaded.parent_id == inter_ca_cert.certificate_id
+    assert cert.usages == cert_loaded.usages
+def test_get_certificates(private_key_service_unique, certificate_service_unique):
+    root_ca_private_key = private_key_service_unique.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    inter_ca_private_key = private_key_service_unique.create_new_key(passphrase="barfoo")
+    end_cert_private_key = private_key_service_unique.create_new_key(passphrase="foofoo")
+    root_ca_cert = certificate_service_unique.create_root_ca(root_ca_private_key,
+                                                             Subject(common_name="RootFoo",
+                                                                     organization_unit="Department of Foo"))
+    inter_ca_cert = certificate_service_unique.create_ca(inter_ca_private_key, Subject(common_name="Intermediate CA"),
+                                                         root_ca_cert,
+                                                         root_ca_private_key, usages={SSL_ID: True})
+    cert = certificate_service_unique.create_end_cert(end_cert_private_key,
+                                                      Subject("Foo Child", email_address="foo@bar.cz"), inter_ca_cert,
+                                                      inter_ca_private_key, usages={AUTHENTICATION_ID: True})
+    all_certs = certificate_service_unique.get_certificates()
+    assert 3 == len(all_certs)
+    assert "RootFoo" == all_certs[0].common_name
+    assert "Intermediate CA" == all_certs[1].common_name
+    assert "Foo Child" == all_certs[2].common_name
+    assert 1 == len(certificate_service_unique.get_certificates(cert_type=ROOT_CA_ID))
+    assert 1 == len(certificate_service_unique.get_certificates(cert_type=INTERMEDIATE_CA_ID))
+    assert 1 == len(certificate_service_unique.get_certificates(cert_type=CERTIFICATE_ID))
+def test_get_chain_of_trust(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    root_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    inter_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="barfoo")
+    end_cert_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foofoo")
+    root_ca_cert = certificate_service.create_root_ca(root_ca_private_key,
+                                                      Subject(common_name="RootFoo",
+                                                              organization_unit="Department of Foo"))
+    inter_ca_cert = certificate_service.create_ca(inter_ca_private_key, Subject(common_name="Intermediate CA"),
+                                                  root_ca_cert,
+                                                  root_ca_private_key, usages={SSL_ID: True})
+    cert = certificate_service.create_end_cert(end_cert_private_key,
+                                               Subject("Foo Child", email_address="foo@bar.cz"), inter_ca_cert,
+                                               inter_ca_private_key, usages={AUTHENTICATION_ID: True})
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(cert.certificate_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 2
+    assert [cert.certificate_id, inter_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id, cot[1].certificate_id]
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(cert.certificate_id, root_ca_cert.private_key_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 2
+    assert [cert.certificate_id, inter_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id, cot[1].certificate_id]
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(cert.certificate_id, inter_ca_cert.private_key_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 2
+    assert [cert.certificate_id, inter_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id, cot[1].certificate_id]
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(cert.certificate_id, exclude_root=False)
+    assert len(cot) == 3
+    assert [cert.certificate_id, inter_ca_cert.certificate_id, root_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id,
+                                                                                                cot[1].certificate_id,
+                                                                                                cot[2].certificate_id]
+    # starting from intermediate certificate
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(inter_ca_cert.certificate_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 1
+    assert [inter_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id]
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(inter_ca_cert.certificate_id, root_ca_cert.private_key_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 1
+    assert [inter_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id]
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(inter_ca_cert.certificate_id, exclude_root=False)
+    assert len(cot) == 2
+    assert [inter_ca_cert.certificate_id, root_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id,
+                                                                           cot[1].certificate_id]
+    # starting from intermediate certificate
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(root_ca_cert.certificate_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 0
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(root_ca_cert.certificate_id, root_ca_cert.private_key_id)
+    assert len(cot) == 0
+    cot = certificate_service.get_chain_of_trust(root_ca_cert.certificate_id, exclude_root=False)
+    assert len(cot) == 1
+    assert [root_ca_cert.certificate_id] == [cot[0].certificate_id]
+def test_delete_cert(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    assert not certificate_service.delete_certificate(-1)
+    root_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    original_len = len(certificate_service.get_certificates())
+    root_ca_cert = certificate_service.create_root_ca(root_ca_private_key,
+                                                      Subject(common_name="RootFoo",
+                                                              organization_unit="Department of Foo"))
+    len_inserted = len(certificate_service.get_certificates())
+    assert original_len + 1 == len_inserted
+    # TODO delete should delete all children?
+    assert certificate_service.delete_certificate(root_ca_cert.certificate_id)
+    assert not certificate_service.delete_certificate(root_ca_cert.certificate_id)
+    assert len_inserted - 1 == len(certificate_service.get_certificates())
+def test_get_subject_from_certificate(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    root_ca_private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    root_ca_cert = certificate_service.create_root_ca(root_ca_private_key,
+                                                      Subject(common_name="RootFoo",
+                                                              organization_unit="Department of Foo",
+                                                              email_address="root@ca.com",
+                                                              country="CZ"))
+    subject = certificate_service.get_subject_from_certificate(root_ca_cert)
+    assert subject.common_name == "RootFoo"
+    assert subject.organization_unit == "Department of Foo"
+    assert subject.email_address == "root@ca.com"
+    assert subject.organization is None
+    assert subject.locality is None
+    assert subject.state is None
+    assert subject.country == "CZ"
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests/services/conftest.py b/tests/integration_tests/services/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c9957ff9ca11f8a3ef5b5173f9c61389fffa6699
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration_tests/services/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+import os
+import sqlite3
+from sqlite3 import Connection
+import pytest
+from src.dao.certificate_repository import CertificateRepository
+from src.dao.private_key_repository import PrivateKeyRepository
+from src.db.init_queries import SCHEMA_SQL, DEFAULT_VALUES_SQL
+from src.services.certificate_service import CertificateService
+from src.services.cryptography import CryptographyService
+from src.services.key_service import KeyService
+# scope="module" means that this fixture is run once per module
+def connection():
+    print("Creating a new SQLITE connection to the test DB")
+    test_db_file = "test.sqlite"
+    connection: Connection = sqlite3.connect(test_db_file)
+    # yield the created connection
+    yield connection
+    # after tests have finished delete the created db file
+    try:
+        print("Deleting the test DB")
+        os.unlink(test_db_file)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        print(f"Could not delete {test_db_file} file containing the test DB")
+        pass
+def cursor(connection):
+    cursor = connection.cursor()
+    # execute db initialisation script
+    cursor.executescript(SCHEMA_SQL)
+    # insert default values
+    cursor.executescript(DEFAULT_VALUES_SQL)
+    return cursor
+# scope defaults to "function" which means that the fixture is run once per test (function)
+def certificate_repository(connection, cursor):
+    return CertificateRepository(connection, cursor)
+def private_key_repository(connection, cursor):
+    return PrivateKeyRepository(connection, cursor)
+def cryptography_service():
+    return CryptographyService()
+def private_key_service(private_key_repository, cryptography_service):
+    return KeyService(cryptography_service, private_key_repository)
+def certificate_service(certificate_repository, cryptography_service):
+    return CertificateService(cryptography_service, certificate_repository)
+# TODO improve this (lots of duplicated code) - some test cases need a DB connection that is not shared with other tests
+def connection_unique():
+    print("Creating a new unique SQLITE connection to the test DB")
+    test_db_file = "test_unique.sqlite"
+    connection: Connection = sqlite3.connect(test_db_file)
+    # yield the created connection
+    yield connection
+    # after tests have finished delete the created db file
+    try:
+        print("Deleting the unique test DB")
+        os.unlink(test_db_file)
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        print(f"Could not delete {test_db_file} file containing the unique test DB")
+        pass
+def cursor_unique(connection_unique):
+    cursor = connection_unique.cursor()
+    # execute db initialisation script
+    cursor.executescript(SCHEMA_SQL)
+    # insert default values
+    cursor.executescript(DEFAULT_VALUES_SQL)
+    return cursor
+# scope defaults to "function" which means that the fixture is run once per test (function)
+def certificate_repository_unique(connection_unique, cursor_unique):
+    return CertificateRepository(connection_unique, cursor_unique)
+def private_key_repository_unique(connection_unique, cursor_unique):
+    return PrivateKeyRepository(connection_unique, cursor_unique)
+def cryptography_service_unique():
+    return CryptographyService()
+def private_key_service_unique(private_key_repository_unique, cryptography_service_unique):
+    return KeyService(cryptography_service_unique, private_key_repository_unique)
+def certificate_service_unique(certificate_repository_unique, cryptography_service_unique):
+    return CertificateService(cryptography_service_unique, certificate_repository_unique)
diff --git a/tests/integration_tests/services/private_key_service_test.py b/tests/integration_tests/services/private_key_service_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e429886d1e7eed0c878c50f8233268511485ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration_tests/services/private_key_service_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+def test_create_and_get_pk(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    private_key_loaded = private_key_service.get_key(private_key.private_key_id)
+    assert private_key.private_key_id == private_key_loaded.private_key_id
+    assert private_key.private_key == private_key_loaded.private_key
+    assert private_key.password == private_key_loaded.password
+def test_delete_pk(private_key_service, certificate_service):
+    assert not private_key_service.delete_key(-1)
+    private_key = private_key_service.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    assert private_key_service.delete_key(private_key.private_key_id) is True
+    assert not private_key_service.delete_key(private_key.private_key_id)
+def test_get_pks(private_key_service_unique):
+    pk_1 = private_key_service_unique.create_new_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    assert 1 == len(private_key_service_unique.get_keys())
+    pk_2 = private_key_service_unique.create_new_key(passphrase="foobarbaz")
+    assert 2 == len(private_key_service_unique.get_keys())
+    pk_3 = private_key_service_unique.create_new_key(passphrase="foobaz")
+    assert 3 == len(private_key_service_unique.get_keys())
+    keys = private_key_service_unique.get_keys()
+    assert [pk_1.private_key_id, pk_2.private_key_id, pk_3.private_key_id] == [keys[0].private_key_id,
+                                                                               keys[1].private_key_id,
+                                                                               keys[2].private_key_id]
+    assert private_key_service_unique.delete_key(pk_3.private_key_id)
+    assert 2 == len(private_key_service_unique.get_keys())
+    keys = private_key_service_unique.get_keys([pk_1.private_key_id, pk_2.private_key_id])
+    assert [pk_1.private_key_id, pk_2.private_key_id] == [keys[0].private_key_id,
+                                                          keys[1].private_key_id]
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/__init__.py b/tests/unit_tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/__init__.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/conftest.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/conftest.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/conftest.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/conftest.py
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/create_crt_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/create_crt_test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/create_crt_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/create_crt_test.py
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/create_csr_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/create_csr_test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/create_csr_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/create_csr_test.py
diff --git a/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/parse_cert_pem_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/parse_cert_pem_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb5e2bf524090cf684ccd23af349f47b240600d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/parse_cert_pem_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+from src.model.subject import Subject
+def test_parse_cert_pem(service):
+    cert_pem = """
+    """
+    # parse a certificate supplied in a PEM format
+    subj, n_before, n_after = service.parse_cert_pem(cert_pem)
+    assert 3 == n_before.tm_mon
+    assert 21 == n_before.tm_mday
+    assert 10 == n_before.tm_hour
+    assert 1 == n_before.tm_min
+    assert 52 == n_before.tm_sec
+    assert 2021 == n_before.tm_year
+    assert 3 == n_after.tm_mon
+    assert 21 == n_after.tm_mday
+    assert 10 == n_after.tm_hour
+    assert 1 == n_after.tm_min
+    assert 52 == n_after.tm_sec
+    assert 2026 == n_after.tm_year
+    assert "CZ" == subj.country
+    assert "Pilsen Region" == subj.state
+    assert "Pilsen" == subj.locality
+    assert "Rooting Roots" == subj.organization
+    assert "Department of ROots" == subj.organization_unit
+    assert "Main Rooter" == subj.common_name
+    assert "root@root.cz" == subj.email_address
+def test_parse_cert_pen_2(service):
+    cert_pem = """
+    """
+    # parse a certificate supplied in a PEM format
+    subj, n_before, n_after = service.parse_cert_pem(cert_pem)
+    assert 3 == n_before.tm_mon
+    assert 23 == n_before.tm_mday
+    assert 21 == n_before.tm_hour
+    assert 32 == n_before.tm_min
+    assert 59 == n_before.tm_sec
+    assert 2021 == n_before.tm_year
+    assert 3 == n_after.tm_mon
+    assert 23 == n_after.tm_mday
+    assert 21 == n_after.tm_hour
+    assert 32 == n_after.tm_min
+    assert 59 == n_after.tm_sec
+    assert 2024 == n_after.tm_year
+    assert "AU" == subj.country
+    assert "Some-State" == subj.state
+    assert "Internet Widgits Pty Ltd" == subj.organization
+    assert "NCHILD_2" == subj.common_name
+    assert None is subj.locality
+    assert None is subj.organization_unit
+    assert None is subj.email_address
+def test_parse_cert_pen_empty(service):
+    cert_pem = """
+    """
+    # parse a certificate supplied in a PEM format
+    subj, n_before, n_after = service.parse_cert_pem(cert_pem)
+    assert 4 == n_before.tm_mon
+    assert 3 == n_before.tm_mday
+    assert 23 == n_before.tm_hour
+    assert 30 == n_before.tm_min
+    assert 10 == n_before.tm_sec
+    assert 2021 == n_before.tm_year
+    assert 5 == n_after.tm_mon
+    assert 3 == n_after.tm_mday
+    assert 23 == n_after.tm_hour
+    assert 30 == n_after.tm_min
+    assert 10 == n_after.tm_sec
+    assert 2021 == n_after.tm_year
+    # TODO improve parsing of fields within quotes
+    assert "\"  \"" == subj.country
+    assert "\"  \"" == subj.state
+    assert "\" \"" == subj.organization
+    assert "\"  \"" == subj.common_name
+    assert None is subj.locality
+    assert None is subj.organization_unit
+    assert "\" foo \"" == subj.email_address
+def test_create_and_parse_cert(service):
+    # create a private key
+    key = service.create_private_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    # create a certificate
+    cert = service.create_sscrt(Subject(common_name="Foo CN", email_address="foo@bar.cz"), key, key_pass="foobar")
+    # parse the subject
+    parsed_subj, n_before, n_after = service.parse_cert_pem(cert)
+    assert "Foo CN" == parsed_subj.common_name
+    assert "foo@bar.cz" == parsed_subj.email_address
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/private_keys_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/private_keys_test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/private_keys_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/private_keys_test.py
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/run_for_output_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/run_for_output_test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/run_for_output_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/run_for_output_test.py
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/self_signed_cert_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/self_signed_cert_test.py
similarity index 77%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/self_signed_cert_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/self_signed_cert_test.py
index 83a7b4699a85ec92c01e38f1d462acdd9b2ee652..67585ca71d48b5d5de255d6369b2cea5bba50a52 100644
--- a/tests/services/cryptography/self_signed_cert_test.py
+++ b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/self_signed_cert_test.py
@@ -110,3 +110,33 @@ def test_create_sscrt_incorrect_passphrase(service):
     with pytest.raises(CryptographyException) as e:
         service.create_sscrt(Subject(common_name="Topnax", country="CZ"), private_key)
     assert "bad decrypt" in e.value.message
+def test_create_sscrt_days(service):
+    # create a self signed certificate using configuration and extensions
+    private_key = service.create_private_key(passphrase="foobar")
+    cert = service.create_sscrt(Subject(common_name="Topnax"), private_key, key_pass="foobar",
+                                days=30)
+    cert_2 = service.create_sscrt(Subject(common_name="Topnax"), private_key,
+                                  key_pass="foobar",
+                                  days=31)
+    cert_3 = service.create_sscrt(Subject(common_name="Topnax"), private_key,
+                                  key_pass="foobar",
+                                  days=32)
+    args = ["openssl", "x509", "-noout", "-enddate", "-in", "-"]
+    cert_printed = subprocess.check_output(args,
+                                           input=bytes(cert, encoding="utf-8"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()
+    cert_printed_2 = subprocess.check_output(args,
+                                             input=bytes(cert_2, encoding="utf-8"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()
+    cert_printed_3 = subprocess.check_output(args,
+                                             input=bytes(cert_3, encoding="utf-8"), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode()
+    # TODO improve this test by parsing the date
+    assert cert_printed != cert_printed_2
+    assert cert_printed_2 != cert_printed_3
+    assert cert_printed != cert_printed_3
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/sign_csr_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/sign_csr_test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/sign_csr_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/sign_csr_test.py
diff --git a/tests/services/cryptography/verify_ca_test.py b/tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/verify_ca_test.py
similarity index 100%
rename from tests/services/cryptography/verify_ca_test.py
rename to tests/unit_tests/services/cryptography/verify_ca_test.py